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Reading through a Critical Identity Lens... Questions for Students

  • How are the characters similar to me?

  • How are the characters different from me?

  • How does this book make me feel?

  • Whose voices are present in the book? Whose are not?

  • Whose experiences are represented? Whose are not?

  • What are the characters’ strengths? What are the challenges or obstacles they face? 

    • Are these visible (on the outside) or internal (on the inside) or both?

  • How do those strengths and challenges contribute to their identity?

  • Why does this matter?

  • What does this book have to say about the world?

  • How am I changed as a result of reading this book?

  • How am I inspired to live differently? To take action?

  • What do I understand now that I hadn’t thought about before reading this book?

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